
Partner Accounting

With joint handling of projects it is often helpful to take your partner’s postings into account in your own accounting and controlling.

There can be different requirements for the integration depending on the relevant conditions with the contracts between donors, aid organisations, and partners.

WINPACCS takes these different requirements into account and, depending on the needs, offers various options to integrate the postings in WINPACCS:

  • If the funds sent to the partner are posted directly as costs, the partner’s data can be integrated in the donor reports for information purposes.
  • If the expenses to the partner are posted as a receivable, the partner’s postings can be downloaded into the project accounting and set off against the receivables.

The standard interface supports both ways of integrating the partner accounting data. It includes the following further attributes:

  • Automatic implementation of the partner’s accounts via an allocation table in the accounts of the project
  • Works in accordance with German Principles of Orderly Accounting (GOB)
  • Detailed logging of the transfer process

Further information

If you'd like to learn more about this topic, we recommend that you attend the WINPACCS for Partner administrators webinar and the Integration of Partner accounting data in WINPACCS workshop.
