The KCCR (Kumasi Centre for Collaborative Research in Tropical Medicine) based in Ghana has initiated and carried out numerous research projects and research networks. One of the first projects was a study into congenital deafness, the genetic cause of which was identified in 1998.
One key focal point of the scientific research at the KCCR from the very outset have been projects to research tapeworm diseases, which cause river blindness and elephantiasis, and which can now be successfully treated with new antibiotics. The probably greatest health challenge in Africa, malaria, has been paid particular attention since the founding of the KCCR. Studies have been carried out into malaria vaccines, but also into other contagious diseases, which often end in death for small children.
Besides the typical tropical diseases, they have since recently been doing research into type II diabetes in cooperation with other universities in Africa and Europe. The study is intended to explore the risk difference between Europeans and African migrants (origin south of the Sahara) for type II diabetes and obesity. The comprehensive data material will serve intervention programmes to reduce the incidence of the disease.