

If the terms are not right, things lose their order. (Confucius)

The WINPACCS glossary provides helpful explanations on the WINPACCS technical terms that are used most frequently.

This glossary / collection contains many important specialist terms in four languages and explains them within the framework of WINPACCS. It helps to quickly clarify terms spoken about and used in the multi-lingual environment of international development cooperation and how they are to be understood in the application.

Voucher status

The voucher status indicates which processing step a voucher is at in a cashbook. Vouchers are firstly pre-entered, then locked and finally forwarded to Project accounting. The following voucher status reflects this process: "Entered today", "Entered", "Locked" and "Forwarded". The voucher status cannot be reset.

The options for changing a voucher in a cashbook depend on the voucher status.

In the "Entered today" status all the data of a voucher can be changed. This status is only used in cashbooks of the "cash" type.

In the "Entered" status, the "Amount in voucher currency" and "Select income / expense" fields can no longer be changed.

In the "Locked" and "Forwarded" status, no changes can be made to the data of a voucher.

