

Wenn die Begriffe nicht stimmen, verlieren die Dinge ihre Ordnung. (Konfuzius)

Mit dem WINPACCS Glossar stellen wir Ihnen hilfreiche Erklärungen zu in WINPACCS häufig verwendeten Fachbegriffen zur Verfügung.

Dieses Verzeichnis stellt alle wichtigen Fachbegriffe jeweils in vier Sprachen vor und erklärt diese im Kontext von WINPACCS. So kann im multilingualen Umfeld der internationalen Entwicklungszusammenarbeit schnell geklärt werden, über was gerade gesprochen wird oder wie Begriffe in der Anwendung zu verstehen sind.

For information purposes

In WINPACCS, partner postings, which have no effect on one’s own annual accounts are called for information purposes.

In many development cooperation projects, project funds are made available to partners. If the payment to the partner is posted as a cost in Project accounting (or Company accounting), the partner's individual expenditures are shown in Project controlling for information purposes, that is, separately from the balance sheet effective postings. 

In WINPACCS this procedure is controlled by the voucher type of a journal. Journals with the “For information purposes” voucher type are used to import and display the postings of partners in Project controlling. These postings are not passed on to Project accounting or Company accounting, since the payments to the partner are already posted there as costs.

