

Wenn die Begriffe nicht stimmen, verlieren die Dinge ihre Ordnung. (Konfuzius)

Mit dem WINPACCS Glossar stellen wir Ihnen hilfreiche Erklärungen zu in WINPACCS häufig verwendeten Fachbegriffen zur Verfügung.

Dieses Verzeichnis stellt alle wichtigen Fachbegriffe jeweils in vier Sprachen vor und erklärt diese im Kontext von WINPACCS. So kann im multilingualen Umfeld der internationalen Entwicklungszusammenarbeit schnell geklärt werden, über was gerade gesprochen wird oder wie Begriffe in der Anwendung zu verstehen sind.

Journal class

The journal class is a basic property of a journal, which identifies the origin of the journal's postings. WINPACCS makes a distinction between the following journal classes:

“Project accounting” journal class

Identifies the journal class for postings, which have been entered as balance sheet effective in the Project accounting (WINPACCS Accounting). A special feature is the “Project accounting (costs from external projects)” journal class which contains the postings that were posted to your own project from other projects. This journal class is the only one that may contain postings in different currencies.

“Company accounting” journal class

Identifies the journal class for postings, which have been forwarded from Company accounting to WINPACCS via an interface.

“Partner Accounting” journal class

Identifies the journal class for postings that were received from a partner for information purposes via an interface.

