

Release Notes

The release notes will be published shortly.

Bug fixes

  • If you subsequently create a new cost category group structure on sub-cost categories, the existing postings in project controlling are now assigned directly to the cost category groups.
  • If two sub-accounts of a cost account are in two different cost category groups of a cost category group structure, the posting is now correctly assigned to the other cost category group after the sub-account has been changed in project controlling.

New features 

  • In an asset, the columns "Residual value CC at end of month " and "Residual value VC at end of month " are integrated in the residual value development table. The table row "Residual value" at the end of the table has been removed. 

Bug fixes

  • If you have deactivated cookies in your browser, you cannot log in to WINPACCS Cloud. In this case, an error message will appear indicating that cookies must be enabled.

Bug fixes

  • The field for the reason when rejecting a contract now has a length limit of 255 characters. Rejecting did not work with more characters.
  • The "Anzeigen (NEU)" button is no longer visible in the user overview.
  • The correct user is now displayed in the history of a data package for the "Document uploaded for feedback" action.

New features

  • The "Edit billing projects" user right has been newly introduced.
  • In inventory management, a recipient can now be entered for the “Other disposals” movement type and a handover log can also be printed.
  • When archiving a project, a warning is now issued if this project is still assigned to a user as a billing project.
  • The "Reset password" right has been removed from the application without replacement and therefore from the Organization administrator and User administrator roles.
  • Some user rights have been renamed. The description of some rights has been improved.
  • When processing registration requests, it is no longer possible to assign user roles and projects directly. If a registration request is released, only the user is created first; the user roles and projects are then assigned when the user is set up.
  • When creating a new user and converting a person into a user, it is no longer possible to assign user roles and projects directly. Initially, only the user is created; the user roles and projects are then assigned subsequently when the user is set up.
  • When rejecting closings, the database operations are outsourced to a task. This prevents possible timeouts and that document data is not deleted correctly.
  • The edit function for the company accounting, cashbooks and partner accounting data packets (from an external system) has been removed and the rights required for this have been removed. The "Delete partner accounting data packet" right is available for deleting the partner accounting data package.
  • The overview of partners in the Partner Management functional area has been converted to new technology. Column selection, views and filtering are now possible, as in other new tables.
  • The Partner management functional area has been changed. The overview of partners and the logs can now each be accessed in a functional group.
  • In the bank details, the tabs Documents, Accounting data and Funds supply, which were only required for Accounting 3, have been removed. The necessary rights "View all vouchers of the assigned projects of a bank account" and "Only view vouchers of the projects of a bank account that are assigned to you" have been removed without replacement.
  • In the Company Accounting functional area, export files with the status "Posted Company Accounting" can now be moved to the status "Discarded" using a support function.
  • The Project accountant Advanced role has been removed without replacement. The "Post flexible postings" right is now integrated in the Project accountant role.
  • The new transaction types and categories 1.8 Supply of funds by Head Office external project, 10.6 Return of funds to Head Office external project and 10.7 Return of funds to Head Office external project with average rate have been added to the journal categories. Minor changes have been made to the naming of existing transaction types.

Bug fixes

  • The window for the column selection of tables now has a scroll bar and is no longer cut off at low resolution or high zoom.
  • In the user administration, the description for the Controller role is now translated in all languages.
  • When splitting a posting position in Controlling, the error message indicating incomplete splitting of the amounts now also appears if you have not yet exited the amount field when saving.
  • When rejecting a closing, the success message now appears correctly again.
  • When copying a reporting currency scheme from a donor to a funding, the selection of the conversion basis is now also copied correctly.
  • It is no longer possible to create a conversion mode twice for the same base currency in a reporting currency scheme.
  • In the partner overview, archived partners are now also shown in italics in the printout.
  • In a cashbook, on the postable sub-accounts tab, the buttons for navigating the table pages work again.
  • In Controlling and Project Controlling, the Analysis button in the toolbar now also has an icon.
  • When rejecting a closing, the limit for file uploads is now correctly taken into account and files above the limit are not uploaded.
  • In the Configuration detail area of an analysis, the link to the budget now works correctly.
  • When creating a new analysis in Controlling and Project Controlling, the buttons for the selected table columns are now fully translated.
  • Journals are no longer displayed in the bank details overview if the assigned bank sub-account for the bank details in the journal or in the project chart of accounts cannot be posted to.
  • In the Postings functional group, the column heading for the budget structures is now correctly translated.
  • In the overview of postings in Project Controlling, the entries in the Transaction type and Transaction category columns are now correctly translated.
  • The balance overview for Accounting 3 journals works again.

Bug fixes

  • In document management, a error has been corrected that occurred when the External system option was selected for Storage location.

Bug fixes

  • The user role "Inventory manager“ now also has the right "Read digital voucher in WINPACCS Cloud".

Bug fixes

  • In the function group "Postings (WINPACCS Accounting 4)" in the project and in the functional area „Financial administration“, the search for any text led to an error when the column "Funding" or "External funding" was displayed.

Bug fixes

  • The "Save" button had an incorrect layout in French for persons and bank details, both when creating and editing, due to a JavaScript error. This has been corrected.
  • In Bank Details the Bank Balance section has been removed, this was only used for older AC3 projects and therefore no longer has a useful function. Warning messages related to it have also been removed.
  • An error in the interface for transferring funds to Datev has been corrected. The project identifier of the receiving project can now be determined if it contains funding.

New features

  • The new Controlling functional area has been introduced. In the Postings section, you can view all posting positions across projects in a table, open them individually and edit them. In the Analyses section, cross-project analyses can be carried out based on accounts and project properties.
  • In Project Controlling, in the individual view of a posting position, the field layout has changed somewhat due to the introduction of the new Controlling functional area. The first line in the posting section now contains the project number and name and also the journal. This also changes the printout of an individual posting: The project and journal information has been removed from the page header and is now located in the posting section.
  • A new user role, Controller, has been introduced. It can create cross-project analyses in the new Controlling functional area.
  • The new user rights "Read analyses in Controlling" and "Edit analyses in Controlling" have been introduced.
  • In the project funding functional group, the field "Requirements for money cycle" has been removed. In the journal types, the field "Limited money cycle" has been renamed "Disallow posting to external projects".
  • In the message about conflicts in transactions for fixed assets, the information project number, journal number and accountant are now also displayed.
  • An update to Angular 15 was carried out and a third-party component Kendo was updated.
  • In the posting overview in the Financial Administration functional area and in individual projects, a Balances analysis has been integrated. The balances are shown per journal. Filtering by closing date is also possible.
  • The display of the digital vouchers in the sidebar of a posting has been optimised so that the preview is easier to see.

Bug fixes

  • On the dashboard, the filter in the Country column now works correctly for "is empty" and "is not empty".
  • In table footers, three-digit numbers are no longer truncated in the number of elements per page field.
  • The entry of too large an amount in the Grand total field of a funding is prevented with a message.
  • In a funding, the list for selecting titles for a donor is now sorted alphabetically.
  • In the assignment of projects to users, archived projects are now also displayed in grey and italics in edit mode.
  • In tables with multiple selection, no table column can be moved in front of the column with the checkboxes.
  • In tables with multiple selection, you no longer have to hit the checkbox exactly with the mouse to select several rows. It is sufficient to click on the cell in the first column with the mouse.
  • If you add a movement to a fixed asset, the buttons concerning availability are updated correctly on the detail page of the fixed asset.
  • The "Posting balancing of payables – without average rate recalculation" user right and the description are now translated in all languages.
  • When adding projects to users or bank accounts, multiple selection is now possible. This means that several projects can be assigned at once.
  • The performance when assigning projects to users has been improved.
  • In Project Controlling, the notation of the "Recipient/Depositor" column has been adjusted.
  • In Project Controlling, the "Conversion basis (CC/VC)" column is now filled with the correct values "CC" or "VC".
  • In the case of split posting positions, the "Percentage of total amount" column was sometimes displayed empty. This has been corrected.
  • When editing posting positions in Project Controlling, a reason had to be entered for the Quantity field, even when the Quantity field did not exist. If there is no budget structure with quantities, this message no longer appears.
  • Saved analyses in Project Controlling, which are not public, are now no longer accessible even if the link is passed on. A page saying "Access denied" appears.
  • In Project Controlling, the journal number column has been added to the posting table in the analyses. In printouts with assigned posting positions, the standard sorting of the posting positions is now correctly applied.
  • In Project Controlling, the names of the totals in the groupings have been reworded to match the column names.
  • In the printout of an analysis with breakdowns, an unwanted line break per data record has been removed.
  • Digital vouchers are now also displayed for a fixed asset if the fixed asset was created from a posting in the Company Accounting journal class.
  • Organisation logos with high resolution were displayed too large in the organisation master data. The layout has been improved.


  • Zu einem Anlagetyp können nun in den Organisationseinstellungen mehrere kalkulatorische Nutzungsdauern hinterlegt werden und auch aktiviert oder deaktiviert werden. Zudem ist es möglich zu definieren, ob manuelle Nutzungsdauern beim Anlagegut zum jeweiligen Anlagetyp erfasst werden können. Diese Einstellungen werden entsprechend bei der Neuanlage und Bearbeitung von Anlagegütern berücksichtigt.
  • Es können nun zu mehreren Anlagegütern gleichzeitig Bewegungen per Mehrfachauswahl in der Übersichtstabelle der Anlagegüter hinzugefügt werden.
  • Werden Bewegungen zu Anlagegütern hinzugefügt, dann wird nun bei den Bewegungstypen „Weitergabe an fremdes Projekt“, „Übergabe an Partner“ und „Rückgabe an Geber“ ein Übergabeprotokoll erstellt.
  • Die Einstellung auf welche fremden Projekte in einem Projekt gebucht werden kann wird nun in der Projektliste über die Organisationsdaten-Datei an WINPACCS Accounting übermittelt. Dies reduziert die Notwendigkeit immer wieder alle Projekte zu veröffentlichen, zudem wird die Größe der Projektdaten-Datei verkleinert.
  • Zur Verbesserung der Performance bei sehr vielen Projekten wird die Projektliste und damit die Organisationsstammdaten nur noch in notwendigen Fällen neu veröffentlicht. Redundantes Veröffentlichen wird vermieden.
  • Abhängig von einer Organisationseinstellung wird der Hauptkontenrahmen nicht mehr in den Projektdaten übermittelt, um diese Austauschdaten kleiner zu halten. In diesem Fall wird der Hauptkontenrahmen nur noch mit den Organisationsdaten übermittelt.
  • Um die Performance beim Import der Projektdaten zu verbessern wurde die Projektdaten-Datei optimiert. Abhängig von der Konfiguration einer Organisation werden alte Daten für Accounting 3 nicht mehr exportiert, womit die Projektdaten-Datei kleiner wird.
  • Die Ladezeit bei der Auswahl von Projekten ist an einigen Stellen der Benutzeroberfläche verbessert, dies verschafft eine bessere Performance bei sehr vielen Projekten. Betroffen ist die Auswahl eines Projektes zum Anlagegut, die Auswahl eines Projektes bei der Weitergabe des Anlagegutes an ein anderes Projekt, die Zuordnung von Projekten zu Personen, Benutzern, Partner und Bankverbindungen und die Auswahl eines Projektes in einem Kassenbuch für fremde Projekte.
  • Die Funktionsgruppe Projektkontenrahmen ist im Funktionsbereich Rechnungswesen entfernt.
  • Das Recht „Anlagetypen lesen“ ist entfernt.
  • Mit dem Recht Person bearbeiten im Personenadministrator können einer Person nun alle Projekte zugeordnet werden unabhängig davon, welche Projekte dem Personenadministrator selbst zugeordnet sind.
  • Im Projekt ist in der Funktionsgruppe Projektfinanzierung das Symbol für die Budgets mit Link in das Projektcontrolling entfernt.
  • Die Funktionsgruppe Protokoll ist aus dem Funktionsbereich Benutzerverwaltung entfernt, die Protokolleinträge sind weiterhin im Organisationsprotokoll zu finden.
  • Die beiden Rechte „Projekte ohne Buchhaltung lesen“ und „Projekte ohne Buchhaltung bearbeiten“ sind entfernt.
  • Die Rechte „Mittelversorgungen anweisen“, „Mittelversorgungen lesen“, „Mittelversorgungen im Projekt lesen“, „Mittelversorgungen bearbeiten“, „Mittelversorgung im Projekt bearbeiten“, „Einstellungen Mittelversorgungsmanagement lesen“ und „Einstellungen Mittelversorgungsmanagement bearbeiten“ sind aus allen Benutzerrollen entfernt und nur noch für den Support verfügbar.
  • Das Recht „Projektfinanzierung löschen“ wurde entfernt. Zum Löschen und Archivieren von Projektfinanzierungen wird nun das Recht „Projektfinanzierung bearbeiten“ benötigt.
  • Das Recht „Abrechnungswährungsschema lesen“ gibt es nur noch für den Support, um die alten Abrechnungswährungsschemas aus cost control zu lesen das Recht „Abrechnungswährungsschema bearbeiten“ wurde komplett entfernt.
  • Die Einstellung für den Bericht Mischkursentwicklung beim Monatsabschluss wurde in der Oberfläche der Organisationseinstellungen für WINPACCS Accounting entfernt. Im Hintergrund wird die Einstellung für diesen Bericht immer auf obligatorisch gesetzt.
  • Die Funktionalität zur Migration von alten Journalen für WINPACCS Accounting 3 in ein neue Journale für WINPACCS Accounting 4 wurde entfernt.
  • Alle Funktionalitäten zum Löschen von Digitalen Belegen sind nun generell ausgebaut und auch nicht mehr über die Supportfunktion möglich. Die beiden Benutzerrechte „Nicht geprüften digitalen Beleg in WINPACCS Cloud löschen“ und „Geprüften digitalen Beleg in WINPACCS Cloud löschen“ wurden entfernt.
  • Um bei einer sehr großen Anzahl von Partner die Auswahl des Partners in einer Bankverbindung oder einer Person zu erleichtern kann nun im Auswahlfeld Partner durch Eingabe einiger Zeichen die Liste der Partner gefiltert werden.


  • Die Steuerung der Rechte zum Lesen und Bearbeiten von Abrechnungswährungsschemas wurde korrigiert. Die Rolle Geberadministrator kann nun nur noch die Vorlagen von Abrechnungswährungsschemas im Geber lesen und bearbeiten und hat dazu die entsprechenden Rechte „Abrechnungswährungsschema im Geber lesen“ und „Abrechnungswährungsschema im Geber bearbeiten“. Das Lesen und Bearbeiten eines Abrechnungswährungsschemas in einer Projektfinanzierung ist nun an allen Stellen, wo eine Projektfinanzierung geöffnet werden kann, mit den entsprechenden Rechten „Abrechnungswährungsschema in einer Projektfinanzierung lesen“ und „Abrechnungswährungsschema in einer Projektfinanzierung bearbeiten“ möglich. Die Rolle Finanzprüfer Projekt hat nun auch das Recht „Abrechnungswährungsschema in einer Projektfinanzierung lesen“.
  • In der Übersichtstabelle des Monitorings funktioniert nun das Sortieren in Tabellenspalten wie generell in Tabellen üblich.
  • Hat eine Buchung mehrere Digitale Belege und man führt auf einem Digitalen Belege eine Aktion aus, springt die Miniaturansicht nun nicht mehr immer auf den Ersten Digitalen Beleg zurück, sondern der Fokus bleibt auf dem aktuellen Digitalen Beleg.
  • Die Sortierung nach mehreren Spalten lässt sich in Tabellen nun leichter durch Klicken in den Spaltenüberschriften auch nach mehreren Spalten konfigurieren.
  • Bei den Standardsortierungen in der Funktionsgruppe Buchungen im Projekt werden nun die Spalten mit Sortierung richtig ohne Lücke nummeriert.
  • Kleine Layout-Verbesserung im Popup zum Ablehnen einer Prüfcode-Anfrage, das Pflichtfeld ist gekennzeichnet und die Schaltflächen Abbrechen angepasst.
  • In einem Partner wurden die Schaltflächen zur Neuanlage und zum Zuordnen von Personen immer angezeigt, auch ohne entsprechende Berechtigung. Nun sind diese Schaltflächen nur noch sichtbar, wenn der Benutzer eines der Rechte „Person bearbeiten“ oder „Personen im Partnermanagement schreiben“ hat.
  • Filter-Popups in Tabellenspalten wurden bei kleinen Auflösungen unten abgeschnitten. Zur Optimierung wurden die Einträge bei Auswahllisten enger dargestellt und zudem wird bei Bedarf ein Scrollbalken eingeblendet.
  • Beim Ändern der Konfiguration von Budgets sind die Schaltflächen nun korrekt mit Speichern beschriftet.
  • In einer Finanzierung ist das Eingabefeld für die Gesamtsumme vergrößert worden, so dass große Beträge bei der Bearbeitung vollständig sichtbar sind.
  • Beim Wechsel der Benutzersprache in den Datenpaketen wird nun auch die Ansicht Projektbuchhaltung sofort auf die richtige Sprache geändert.
  • In der Liste der Zugeordneten Projekte einer Person werden die archivierten Projekte nun korrekt grau und kursiv dargestellt.
  • In den Tabellen der Datenpakete werden Belegnummern nicht mehr mit Tausendertrennzeichen dargestellt.
  • Im Partnermanagement war die Funktionsgruppe Personen auch mit dem Recht „Person im Projekt lesen“ sichtbar, mit nur diesem Recht hatte das Öffnen aber zu einem Fehler geführt. Die Funktionsgruppe ist nun nur noch mit einem der beiden Rechte „Personen lesen“ oder „Personen im Partnermanagement lesen“ sichtbar. Genauso sind die Personen in einem Partner im Projekt sichtbar, wenn der Benutzer eines der beiden Rechte „Personen lesen“ oder „Personen im Partnermanagement lesen“ hat.
  • Tippfehler in Spaltenüberschrift „Abschlusstyp“ in den Datenpaketen korrigiert.
  • In der Tabelle der Datenpakete für Abschlüsse wird die Spalte „Abschluss geprüft“ nun leer belegt, wenn es sich um einen Tagesabschluss handelt.
  • Das Popup zum Drucken von Etiketten für Anlagen wurde bezüglich Layout verbessert.
  • Die Bezeichnung des Journals für die Unternehmensbuchhaltung wird in der Tabelle der Datenpakte nun sprachabhängig korrekt angezeigt.
  • Das Layout in den Popups zum Erstellen und Bearbeiten von Analysen im Projektcontrolling wurde korrigiert und genauso auch zum Anlegen eines Dokumentes und Bearbeiten seiner Eigenschaften in der Dokumentenverwaltung.
  • Der Tooltip für die Schaltflächen wurde in allen Ansichten der Datenpakete angepasst.
  • Beim Hinzufügen von Verfügungsberechtigten zu einer Bankverbindung wurde in der Liste der Personen ein fehlendes Leerzeichen ergänzt.
  • In einem Journal im Freigabestatus Neu hat die Zuordnung von Dokumenten nicht korrekt funktioniert. Der Dokumentenbereich wurde in diesem Status nun ausgeblendet, Dokumente können erst zugeordnet werden, nachdem das Journal erstmalig freigegeben wurde.
  • Wird ein Eigenschaftenwert markiert und kopiert, konnte es durch nicht exaktes markieren passieren, dass eine Leerzeile am Anfang mitkopiert wurde. Dies ist nun verbessert.

New features

  • When uploading a closing, an additional check has been integrated. For each posting in the closing, a check is performed to see whether the debit and credit totals match.
  • The transfer of user data between WINPACCS Cloud and Accounting / Cashbook has been improved from the WINPACCS Cloud perspective. As of WINPACCS Accounting 4.7 and Cashbook 2.7, user data is transferred in compressed form, which greatly reduces the data volume when exchanging data for many projects assigned to the user.

Bug fixes 

  • When uploading a closing, the check that the opening balance in the uploaded closing corresponds to the closing balance of the previous closing now also works. 
  • Exporting a budget in the "Excel unformatted" or "csv” formats had resulted in an error. This has now been corrected. 

Bug fixes

  • When manually uploading digital vouchers, files with a size of 0 bytes are now rejected with an error message. If files with 0 bytes are uploaded via the attachment to a closing, this is also technically intercepted internally.

Bug fixes

  • A small correction has been performed regarding the Debit or Credit posting side for some amounts at the Company accounting interface to Diamant.

Bug fixes

  • Projects without Project accounting that were forwarded via the project interface were no longer automatically published because a project chart of accounts was no longer automatically created. This hasbeen rectified.

New features

  • A function for printing labels for assets has been integrated into the Inventory management. This allows assets to be labelled with numbers, which project they belong to and other information.
  • Two new fields have been added for assets: Order number and Company accounting asset number. These fields can be activated in the Organisational settings. The detailed view and tables of assets have both been extended by these fields.
  • In the Movements of an asset section, the Posted in project no., Posted in journal no. and Voucher number / position columns were added.
  • The new Print asset labels right was added to the Inventory manager role in the Inventory management. The Read asset right was added to the Project financial auditor, Project finance manager and Project controller roles. The Read analyses in Inventory management and Edit analyses in Inventory management rights have been removed.
  • The new Balance (assets) account class with the two Purchase of assets and Sale of assets account groups have been introduced for posting assets. However, these can only be used as of Accounting Version 4.7.0.
  • The Balance report now shows the balance of income and expenses of assets.
  • Superfluous data has been removed from the organisational data for the data exchange with Accounting and Cashbook.
  • The Data packets functional group in Projects has been reworked. The navigation is now shown on the left side of the page in the new style. The table overviews include the modern, extended functionalities. This has significantly improved the performance when loading the data packets.
  • Projects without project accounting have been dissolved and transferred to regular projects. Cashbooks for external projects can continue to be used under certain conditions. It is no longer possible to create new projects without project accounting.
  • A filter with selection options has been integrated into the Release status column in both the Main chart of accounts and the Project chart of accounts.
  • The Read project chart of accounts right has been removed from the Financial administrator role.
  • In the success message for creating a new sub-account, a link is integrated which allows you to directly create another sub-account more quickly.

Bug fixes

  • When archiving a project via the project interface, a check is now performed to see whether there is an asset that has not been disposed of. If this is the case, a corresponding error message appears.
  • In a project funding, the correct help page is now correctly linked from the Reporting currency scheme tab.
  • In the Posting overview, if one created a grouping or made a column very narrow, then this had sometimes led to very wide columns in the Unformatted Excel export. The Unformatted Excel export has therefore now been improved. The same has been corrected in the User overview and the Journal overview in the Financial administration.
  • The release status and the buttons are now immediately updated correctly when resetting the Main chart of accounts.
  • The arrow icon in some dropdowns is now correctly displayed as an arrow without a separator line.
  • In the Response from Company accounting report, the free space under the heading has now been removed.
  • When editing a closing in the Journals of the project accounting functional group, the navigation no longer jumps to the respective project.
  • The message text when a project is republished during an already ongoing project publication has been improved, and reads more clearly in all languages.
  • The Read persons in project right has been removed and accordingly the Read assigned persons right has been renamed Read person in project.
  • The button for displaying the postings in a data packet is now only visible if the user also has the Read posting right.
  • When importing cost category group structures from another project, the separator between project number and project designation in the dropdown menu has been removed.
  • In the Postings (WINPACCS Accounting 3) functional group, the Upload digital vouchers button is only displayed if the user has the necessary right.
  • Texts are now displayed uniformly in the user's language on the page for entering the confirmation code for the MFA login.
  • Without the user right to open the Forward data to Company accounting (WINPACCS Accounting 4) functional group, one is now redirected to the dashboard when clicking on the link.
  • If an organisation does not use fundings, the icon or rather the Fundings functional group is no longer displayed in the Organisational settings.
  • If a grouping is used in the table, the first columns are no longer cut off or omitted when printing.
  • After releasing a user registration request, the PDF can be downloaded correctly again.
  • In the table of Registration requests, the sorting is now in descending order. The most recent requests are now placed right at the top of the table.
  • In the table columns of the Main chart of accounts, the search function now also works for the columns of the account designations and the account descriptions in all languages.
  • In the Postings section in Project controlling, the button to open a posting of the Project accounting is only displayed in the detailed view of a posting if the user has the Read posting right.
  • In the Analyses section in Project controlling, the button for creating, saving and deleting analyses is now only displayed if the user has the Edit analyses in Project controlling right.
  • The functional groups with the overviews of the postings and the detailed pages of a posting are now no longer accessible without the Read posting right.
  • When entering negative numbers, the error message appeared twice when entering the number of Splitting positions in Project controlling. That has now been corrected.
  • In the Comment field of a bank account, special characters no longer lead to a server error.
  • In the Project chart of accounts overview, the icon of the button for displaying a sub-account has been standardised.
  • In the Help menu, the link to the Support contact is now only visible if the user has the Read Support contact right.
  • In the Project chart of accounts, the Draft release status for individual accounts has been renamed to Edited in keeping with the general release status and the Main chart of accounts.
  • The performance for the Journals column in the Bank details table in the Financial administration functional area has been improved.

New features

  • The Budgets feature has been completely redeveloped and is now available in the Project controlling functional group. Old budgets are still available and have been largely migrated with the exception of the Partner budgets – balance sheet effective budget. Budgets can be broken down by different time intervals. Several budget values can be imported at once using the copy/paste function. When creating new analyses, archived budgets can no longer be selected.
  • If the user opens a new asset in the Open tasks, he is forwarded to the Inventory functional area, and not to the Projects functional area, as was the case previously.
  • In the Inventory, the Retrieve asset function is now called Undo disposal.
  • The process and user guidance for releasing closings from Project accounting has been slightly revised and improved.
  • The multilingual entering of the name for an asset has been moved to a pop-up.
  • In the main chart of accounts, only one account of the Supply of funds account class and Local income account group may now be created.
  • Some functions related to WINPACCS Accounting 3 have been removed. Period-end closings in WINPACCS Accounting 3 and cashbook voucher batches from WINPACCS Cashbook 1 can now only be uploaded by support staff. In the downloads of the project master data, data for WINPACCS Accounting 3 and Cashbook 1 is no longer available. The Postings (WINPACCS Accounting 3) functional group is only visible in projects which have postings from Accounting 3. The restriction of a maximum of 50 characters for the code of all budget structures has been lifted, and will no longer be applied in projects without journals for WINPACCS Accounting 3. The functional group for requesting product activations has been removed from the Installation management functional area.
  • The new SLE currency was added to the currency list.

Bug fixes

  • In the overview of accounts in the main chart of accounts, line breaks are now displayed correctly in the columns for the account description.

Bug fixes

  • When migrating a project to a partner project, a check is no longer performed to see whether the Accounting 3 journals have been finalised.
  • In bank details that are to be migrated into partner bank details, checks are no longer performed for assigned archived projects

New features

  • The voucher date is now also forwarded in the Beleginfo Inhalt 1 field when the file-based forwarding of postings to DATEV occurs.

Bug fixes

  • If the internet connection was poor, uploading attachments to closings and batches of vouchers led, in some cases, to a high server load. This has now been corrected.

Bug fixes

  • Whichever page you arrive from, the new feedback window is now correctly displayed in the respective language.
  • When manually uploading attachments to closings and voucher batches, the uploading process did not start automatically. This now works again correctly.

New features

  • In the Organisational settings, a limit can be set for the size of all the digital vouchers in voucher batches and closings. If this limit is exceeded in Accounting or Cashbook, users receive a warning with a request to create a batch of vouchers or a day-end closing.
  • The Postings overview has new table columns: Digital vouchers size, Digital vouchers number of and Project country.
  • There is now a progress bar for when data packets are uploaded and the process has been improved to make it easier to upload larger data packets.
  • Digital vouchers now comply with GoBD (the principles of orderly accounting in electronic form). Therefore, the delete function has been removed. The vouchers are filed by version number; older versions of a voucher can still be viewed.
  • A Feedback function is now available again in the Help menu.
  • The overview of the main accounts in Financial administration has been updated to new table technology, thus improved table functions are available.
  • The Project chart of accounts functional area has also been updated to new table technology, thus adding improved table functions.
  • The usability of the Funding tab in a journal has been improved, especially where assigning new fundings is concerned. All available fundings are displayed, a funding can be set to postable or not postable. The user interface has been slightly modified.
  • In the Organisational settings the Supply of funds management functional group has been hidden.
  • Period-end closing – an obsolete term – has been removed from the Organisational settings.
  • Various data origins in the old Accounting 3 world have been hidden.
  • Accounts from the old Accounting 3 world can no longer be created in the main chart of accounts.
  • The field for the name in Portuguese has been removed from the Accounts and Sub-accounts fields.
  • When displaying bank details, the Vouchers and Accounting data tabs are hidden, unless there are postings from Accounting 3 journals. Likewise, superfluous warning messages are no longer displayed.
  • In the list of journals, finalised journals can be shown or hidden.
  • No more cashbooks can be created for Accounting 3 journals.
  • The Reporting currency scheme functional group in a project is now only visible for WINPACCS Support.
  • The Help has been extended for the following functional groups: Journals, Cashbooks, Fundings, Project controlling, and Bank details in the Financial administration and Projects functional areas.
  • Minor improvements have been made to the interface texts and translations.
  • Accounting data of partners are now automatically released.
  • The sorting of the tables in the Data packets functional group has been improved.
  • In a bank sub-account, the Bank details information and SWIFT/BIC of the assigned bank details are now also displayed.
  • In the main chart of accounts, it is no longer possible to create accounts of the Purchase of assets and Sale of assets groups in the Clearing account class.
  • The column selection in the Postings functional group has been extended by the Entry number, Average rate voucher position, Account / sub-account number, CC amount (balance) and VC amount (balance).
  • For postings the Entry number field is also retroactively filled with the number from Cashbook.
  • The Postable in Company accounting feature has been removed from the main and project chart of accounts.
  • Various items have been removed from the User administration and Installation management functional areas: the old report configurators and with them the corresponding Read reports, Edit reports, Save reports publicly and Save reports user rights; the icons for accessing the reports at the top right of the page have also been removed.
  • The Log is now available as a functional group in the User administration and is no longer at the top right of the page.
  • The text search by project number has now been built in for some tables in such a way that it is also possible to search for partially entered project numbers. This has been adjusted for the tables for Forwarding data to Company accounting, Postings (WINPACCS Accounting 3), Postings (WINPACCS Accounting 4), Journals, Fundings, Assets, Movements of assets and the Project overview.

Bug fixes

  • The header of the Individual posting report now shows the project and journal number, as in other reports.
  • In the detail view of a posting, the preview of a digital voucher is now correctly adjusted to changes in the size of the detail area in all formats, even in the Chrome and Edge browsers.
  • Previously, it was possible to enter an asset without a location, although the Location field is mandatory. Spaces are no longer allowed as locations, a mandatory field check now always occurs.
  • The technology for downstream processing of closings has been made somewhat robuster, so that even rare errors can no longer occur when accepting and submitting a journal.
  • If a project is removed from a user or person in the Assignment tab in the User administration, a check - when saving - is no longer performed to see whether this person is still assigned to a finalised cashbook.
  • In the Balance overview, confidential journals are now no longer included if the user is not authorised to view confidential data.
  • In the Installation management settings, the Expiry warning level 2 (in days) value is now displayed correctly in edit mode.
  • When publishing the Main chart of accounts, the Supply of funds - Partner account was a mandatory account if the Partner accounting - for information purposes - WINPACCS cost control (entry) was activated. This has been changed, the account is now only mandatory if the Partner accounting - Balance sheet effective - WINPACCS Accounting data source is activated.
  • In the text field for the name of the project type in the Organisational settings, the character limit has been implemented correctly.
  • An error message for the mandatory field check when saving allowed email addresses in the Organisational settings has been corrected.
  • When creating an organisational unit, a check now prevents several organisational units from being set up with identical names.
  • The performance for assigning projects in the User administration has been improved.
  • In the German user interface, the term Anmelden (sign in) is now consistently used instead of Login.
  • In the History table of the User administration, the values in the different languages are now translated correctly in the Event column.
  • In journals, the Assigned fundings and Assigned balance accounts tabs have been simplified and are now called Fundings and Balance accounts.
  • The detail area for displaying the digital vouchers for an asset is now updated correctly when switching to another asset.
  • When manually creating a user and converting a person into a user, the list of available projects is now correctly sorted in ascending order by project number.
  • When manually creating a user, the Changed on and Changed by fields are now also correctly filled in the new personal data for this user.
  • In the Main chart of accounts, when creating a new account of the Costs account class and the Non-recoverable VAT account group, the Manual entry of the company currencypossible postability feature is now correctly preassigned with No.
  • The Search function in the table of movements in an asset had not worked correctly, this has been fixed.
  • If a Verification code request is rejected by a user who has since been archived, this no longer leads to an unexpected error.
  • In the Transferred on field in the details of a digital voucher, the same time zone is now used as in the history of the digital vouchers.
  • In the Partner management Organisational settings, the Partner projects are used checkbox can be correctly used and now no longer be deselected if partner projects already exist.
  • In the Reporting currency scheme column the rates are now printed with 11 decimal places in analyses with posting positions.
  • When creating an analysis in Project controlling, a mandatory field name has been corrected.
  • When converting a person into a user, a correct error message now appears if no user role has been selected.
  • The available columns when configuring an analysis are displayed in full again.
  • When manually creating new users, the Title and Country fields are no longer preset, but initially have the empty <no selection> <no selection="">entry.</no>
  • When releasing the Project chart of accounts, an error message has been formulated more precisely.
  • In Project controlling, in analyses with the breakdown and display of percentage values, these were incorrectly added up in the totals line. The totals line now shows the values correctly.
  • The description of the Project staff user role has been finetuned.
  • In Financial administration in the overview of Project accounting journals, checkbox filters are now also available for the Project, project number, journal and journal number columns.
  • When navigating through the list of indicators in Monitoring in the Project planning and monitoring functional group, the documents are now correctly displayed for the correct indicator in the detail area.
  • If one switches to the next posting in the view of a posting, the history section of the digital vouchers is now updated correctly.
  • On the Authorised persons and Assigned projects tabs in the Bank details functional group, the detail area for the documents could not be opened. The button has now been removed.

Bug fixes

  • Double-clicking on a column edge in a table now correctly adjusts the width of the column to suit the size of its content.

Bug fixes

  • TLS has been restricted to version 1.2. Older versions have been deactivated; as a result, the automatic data exchange for the WINPACCS Accounting 3, Cashbook 1 and Cost control 3 modules has also been deactivated.

Bug fixes

  • When transferring data to the Company accounting, the conversion log now displays the correct external project or cost centre in the WP Project column for postings to external projects or cost centres. In the WP Journal column the number of the special journal for costs from external projects is now displayed for postings to external projects.

Bug fixes

  • Saving, setting up and opening asset types now no longer leads to error messages.
  • When projects were migrated to partner projects, partner fundings were removed from the partner journals. This should not be the case and has been corrected.
  • If a funding in the journal for costs from external projects was posted to by an external project, this funding could still be migrated to a partner financing and thus be removed from the journal. This should not be possible if postings have already been made to the funding, and is now prevented. A corresponding error message appears.

Bug fixes

  • In the analyses, the is empty and is not empty filter options which did not function correctly, have been removed from the column filter of the Voucher date and Voucher date (year) columns.
  • In Project controlling, an error that occurred when splitting posting items has been corrected.
  • When converting from WINPACCS Accounting 4 to Microsoft AX Company accounting, the file extension is now csv instead of txt.

New features

  • All PDF reports are now available in the new report layout. The header, footer, tables and section headings have been standardised. The layout of the reports in WINPACCS Cloud is now identical to those in WINPACCS Accounting and Cashbook.
  • The new Project category field has been added to the project master data. All existing projects have been given the Project project category.
  • The existing Project type characteristic is linked and is subordinate to the new Project category characteristic. Each Project type is assigned to a Project category.
  • The new Funds from field has been implemented under Fundings. Partners can be selected in the projects of the Partner project Project category.
  • In projects of the Partner project Project category, new Partner accounting - for information purposes journals have been introduced, these can be used in WINPACCS Accounting from version 4.4.0.
  • The Partner budget - balance sheet effective budget category is no longer available, the new Partner budget - for information purposes budget category has been introduced.
  • In connection with partner projects, various minor adjustments were made to some parts of the Project administration.
  • The new Invoice date field has been added to WINPACCS Cloud. It can be activated in the Organisational settings as an additional field for the accounting and can be used from versions WINPACCS Accounting 4.4.0 and Cashbook 2.4.0.
  • Two additional columns Voucher date (year) and Voucher date (month) have been introduced in Project controlling.
  • In the detail area of an asset, the digital vouchers of the corresponding postings to the asset are now also displayed.
  • If Document management is used, documents can now also be added to assets.
  • In Project controlling, digital vouchers can now be uploaded from external systems in the case of vouchers from Company accounting and partner vouchers for information purposes.
  • Assets can now be created for postings that come from Company accounting via the interface.
  • The Last possible month-end closing field has been removed in journals of the WINPACCS Accounting 4 entry software.
  • Entering bank details has been improved to avoid duplicate IBAN and account numbers. Additionally, further information on the banking institution is automatically completed using the BIC.
  • An export function for the overview of bank details has been added.
  • The new Quantity mandatory characteristic has been added to the budget structures.
  • Transaction type 1.2 Supply of funds due to currency exchange is now called Supply of funds by other journal. Transaction type 2.1 Forwarding of funds due to currency exchange is now called 2.1 Forwarding of funds to other journals. The Currency exchange account group is now called Transfer within project.
  • A quick filter for the voucher date is now available in Project controlling.
  • The link to reset the user password is now valid for only a limited amount of time.
  • Project monitoring now displays totals when grouping by units.
  • In the Organisational settings, the Donor management setting is now called Fundings.
  • In Project controlling, the file names are now uniquely named for each posting when the posting items are printed out.
  • In the main chart of accounts, the first section Master data has been removed.
  • A project can no longer be archived if there are still fundings that have not been finally calculated or archived.
  • New tax keys have been added for the transfer from the DATEV Company accounting.

Bug fixes

  • When assigning projects in users, it is now possible to search for the project number without entering the formatting characters.
  • In Project controlling, the mandatory fields are now highlighted in yellow.
  • In WINPACCS Cloud, the button icon for reactivating objects has been standardised everywhere.
  • Instead of Name, the field label Last name is now uniformly used throughout the software.
  • In individual fields of the multiple classification type the entries can now be filtered by typing characters.
  • An error has been corrected that occurred when saving the Organisational settings for Inventory management.
  • On the detail page of a posting, the Funding field is only visible if the organisation has activated the use of fundings.
  • If you select the No button when setting the check status of digital vouchers in the pop-up question, no error message is displayed.
  • In the bank details, Journals table column the filter did not work with is empty. A few more columns in other tables were affected, but now work.
  • The filter setting for the posting status in Project controlling is now displayed correctly in the configuration area.
  • In the printout of the Donor overview in a project, all the donors were displayed. Now only the donors of that particular project are printed correctly.
  • When editing the table columns in an analysis in Project controlling, all the previously selected columns are now correctly displayed under the selected columns.
  • In budgets, when showing all the historical values, the sub-tables are now also displayed with complete content.
  • When printing the project log, the column headings are now repeated on each new page.
  • Project controlling can now be used without errors when loading the page, if the user does not have the Read analyses in Project controlling right.
  • A project that is set to the Archived status is now correctly republished.
  • When uploading a closing, a journal is correctly automatically reaccepted in certain cases.
  • In certain cases in Project controlling, the selection list of budget structures was cut off in the Edge browser; this should no longer occur.
  • If a budget is created with the Funding budget type and the journal for costs from external projects is created later, the new journal is now automatically included in the budget’s validity area.
  • The digital vouchers in Project controlling can only be read with the existing Read digital vouchers in WINPACCS Cloud right.
  • In Project controlling, the field for the second analysis level can now be edited correctly in an analysis.
  • The name of budget lines can now be entered in all languages with up to 50 characters.
  • When editing new assets, historical entries now omit unaffected individual fields.
  • When transferring data from Company accounting, the archive function is now hidden for import files that have already been archived.
  • The creation of new partner contracts in a project now also works correctly if the user only has the Edit partner contracts in project right.

Bug fixes

  • In Project Controlling, postings were flagged as a conflict if a reversal or reposting was made in a later period, as this caused the reporting period to differ from the original posting. Different reporting periods are now only classified as a conflict if the change to the original posting was made manually.

Bug fixes

  • In certain constellations, an unassigned funding could be saved to a donor. This is now no longer possible.
