

Lorsque les mots ne sont pas définis, les choses perdent leur ordre. (Selon Confucius)

Avec le glossaire WINPACCS, nous mettons à votre disposition des explications utiles concernant des termes techniques utilisés fréquemment dans le monde WINPACCS.

Ce répertoire présente tous les termes techniques importants en quatre langues et les explique dans le contexte de WINPACCS. Ainsi, dans l'environnement multilingue de la coopération internationale au développement, il est possible de clarifier rapidement de quoi on parle ou comment les termes doivent être compris dans l'application.

Posting status

The posting status in WINPACCS Accounting indicates what stage a posting is at, in being processed. Postings are first posted in Project accounting, then uploaded to WINPACCS Cloud in day-end or month-end closings, before being released there manually or automatically. After being released, the relevant posting items are transferred to Project controlling and forwarded to the Company accounting via an interface.

The following posting statuses reflect this process:

  • “Posted Project accounting” (not yet included in a closing, certain accounting data can still be changed),
  • “Forwarded” (included in a closing, it may be possible to change additional information),
  • “Released” (optionally, the posting was checked manually or automatically in WINPACCS Cloud, it may be possible to change additional information),
  • “Posted Company accounting” (optionally, the posting was posted in Company accounting, it may be possible to change additional information).

