

Lorsque les mots ne sont pas définis, les choses perdent leur ordre. (Selon Confucius)

Avec le glossaire WINPACCS, nous mettons à votre disposition des explications utiles concernant des termes techniques utilisés fréquemment dans le monde WINPACCS.

Ce répertoire présente tous les termes techniques importants en quatre langues et les explique dans le contexte de WINPACCS. Ainsi, dans l'environnement multilingue de la coopération internationale au développement, il est possible de clarifier rapidement de quoi on parle ou comment les termes doivent être compris dans l'application.

External project

From the project accounting perspective, your own project is the one with the journals where you enter your postings. An external project is a different project of the same organisation whose accounting is to be kept separate from the accounting of your own project. It may occur that transactions have to be posted in the journals of your own project, although they concern a different external project and are not related to your project at all. In WINPACCS you can easily assign external projects to certain transactions – the posting itself is entered in a journal of your own project. However, you assign the voucher positions (such as costs or receivables) to an external project via the selection field.

Examples of posting to external projects:

  • There is only one bank account in the project country, which is used by all the projects in a country. Therefore, accounting is performed in a project for all the projects that use this bank account. The individual postings are, where appropriate, assigned to external projects.
  • A regional or country office pays the entire costs of all the projects in the region or country. In the accounts for this office, these costs are assigned to the individual external projects.
  • A particular project receives funds on-site specifically for forwarding to external projects.

